Note: Please select the corresponding registration channel that suits you best

  Registration Rates   Online Registration Channel
   Delegate information
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Please Note: After submitting your registration form online, please click on the link below to make a payment.

If you need any assistance, please contact Registration Support via +86 21 54383583 or +86 18917978976

  Alternative Registration Channel

Please Note: You can also choose to download ECF2025 Registration Form and return to us by, or by fax: +86 21 54383583.

If you need any assistance, please contact Registration Support via +86 21 54383583 or +86 18917978976.

   Wire Transfer

BENEFICIARY: SZ Energy Inelligence Co.,Ltd

ACCOUNT NO.: 1001220709006953372

BANK: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,SHANGHAI BRANCH,Jianguo Xilu- SUB-BRANCH

ADD:258 Zhaojiabang Road.,Xuhui DISTRICT,Shanghai,China (P.C 200031)



Members of the media may apply for ECF2025 credentials by filling out the form below. ECF2025 welcomes media partnership and strives to establish constructive media relationships by:

1.Selectively granting free summit and event tickets

2.Selectively distributing your publications

3.Branding on ECF2025 promotional materials

Please contact the organizing committee for media inquiries:

Tel: +86 21 54383583 or +86 18917978976 or E-mail:

  Media Online Registration

ECF2025 provides excellent opportunities for brand exposure and industry publicity, as well as establishing positive impressions on hundreds of key stakeholders, at the same time exploring and enhancing your business relationships.

You can click on the "Exhibition and Sponsorship " link below to register online. Please provide your detailed business information and ECF2025 Event Committee will contact you shortly.

Tel: +86 21 54383583 Email:


Concurrent with ECF2025, the annual Unconventional Oil & Gas Tech Innovation Exhibition will provide attendees with emerging technologies and opportunities to introduce their innovation to the oil & gas industry, including upstream/midstream/downstream and service companies. Check back regularly for 2025 Unconventional Oil & Gas Tech Innovation Exhibition information.

  Scope of Exhibitors
  • Petroleum E&P sectors; manufacturers
  • Petroleum green production;

    environmental protection

  • Digital and information technologies, big

    data and artificial intelligence

  • Specialty materials, inspection technologies

    and tools

  • Drilling, logging, testing technologies and


  • Pipeline monitoring and inspection; digital pipeline,

    construction and equipment

  • Natural gas utilization and Distributed Generation
  • Field equipment, automation, instruments
  • Frac equipment, specialty chemicals, power machine

    and generators

  • Waste management; water/soil remediation


  • Unconventional resources refining and treating


  • Oil field servicing companies, production


  • Project and financial services


  • Research institutes and universities
  Exhibit Booth Rates

Standard exhibit booth (6 m2): USD 3,500, including 2 ECF2025 summit passes

  Exhibition and Sponsorship Registration

Please provide your detailed contact information and ECF2025 Event Committee will contact you shortly.

Tel: +86 21 54383583 or +86 18917978976 Email:

  ECF2025 Oil & Gas Technology Showcase

ECF2025 Oil & Gas Technology Showcases aims to recruit innovative technologies. products or services that can contribute to the production and profit improvement with both economical and promotion value in China’s shale industry, and allows presenters to demonstrate and matchmake business among ECF2025’s domestic and global participants focusing on the great potential and demand of shale technology innovations.

  Nomination Deadline

Sep 10, 2025

  Technology Showcase Rates

Please contact ECF2025 organizing committee to know more about the rates and other details about the technology showcase.

Tel: +86 21 54383583 or +86 18917978976 Email:

  Technology Showcase Nomination

Please provide your detailed contact information and ECF2025 Event Committee will contact you shortly.

Tel: +86 21 54383583 or +86 18917978976 Email:

  Join the speakers

ECF2025 sincerely invites technical experts, corporation executives, industry leaders and policy makers from across the world to present during the summit. You can apply to become an ECF2025 speaker and share your knowledge and experience with your peers, as well as to network with summit participants in a comfortable and constructive environment.

  Application Deadline

Aug 10, 2025

  Speakers' Online Registration

Please provide your detailed business information and ECF2025 Event Committee will

contact you shortly with necessary documents.

Tel: +86 21 54383583 or +86 18917978976 Email

  9th ECF Energy Tech Innovation Award

Held jointly by Shanghai United Institute for Unconventional Resources and the Coordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia (CCOP), 9th ECF Energy Tech Innovation Award is now open to accept applications. This award aims to recognize and reward innovative technologies and products that has the potential to make significant contributions towards the oil and gas industry.

  Categories of participating

The Award included 5 nominations for Environment & Energy Conservation, Stimulation & EOR Technology, Cost Reduction & Efficiency Enhancement Technology, Exploration & Production Technology, and Digital & Intelligent Technology, respectively.

  Conditions of participating

1.The Subject must be innovative and recently developed (within 1-3 years).

2.The Subject must be considered cutting-edge on the international market.

3.The Subject shall represent a positive motivation for petroleum development with broad application and economic value including but not limited to: improving performance, reducing cost, increasing profitability, promoting environment and sustainability, etc.


Aug 31, 2025

  9th ECF Energy Tech Innovation Award

Please provide your detailed contact information and ECF2025 Event Committee will contact you shortly.

Tel: +86 21 54383583 or +86 18917978976 Email: